Professor Lucy Cragg visited us to share some science with us and invite children from Year 4 to 6 to join us on a Tuesday after school, for a FREE club.
It’s not to late to sign up! Check your emails for the link to sign up.
In DT this term, Year 6 have been learning about Complex Circuits and applying our Science knowledge of electricity. We created an alarm system, which lights up a warning light and sounds a buzzer, when an avalanche hits the microswitch. We planned, designed and built a circuit using a buzzer, bulb and microswitch and designed a mountain for the avalanche to fall from. Take a look at our final creations!
Year 6 had an amazing time at The Briars! Their mission during their stay was to become ‘Agents of Love’ and complete tasks to earn this status. They learned how to be independent, responsible and how to work as a team. Year 6 prepared liturgies, lead a Mass and went on a VERY muddy walk. Take a look at their pictures below…
12 Days of Christmas
Winds Through the Olive Trees
Winds Through the Olive Trees
Here are the songs for tomorrow! You have the lyrics – keep practicing 🙂

Years 4, 5 and 6, welcome to the ‘Advent Rehearsal’ blog! Click on each song and start singing! Try it without your lyrics in front of you when you’re ready. Sing so much and so passionately that even your family know the songs! Let’s make our Thursday 5th December, 5.30pm performance one to remember! #BRWSpiritStrong
This Promise Is For You
We Have Seen The Light
Spirit of Peace/Faith/Hope/Joy/Love
Prince of Peace
Love Shone Down
The King, The Light, The Wonder
Hey Brother
What a Beautiful Name
Year 6 visited Sherwood Pines last week for their class visit. In the morning, they conquered their fears by completing Go Ape activities. They showed resilience, bravery and courage as they walked through the towering trees, and even had a go on the zip-line! In the afternoon, they completed Gorilla Games, where they had to develop their communication skills and work together as a team to win games. They had so much fun and created some wonderful memories to cherish in their final year at BRW. Take a look at some of the photos….

Year 6 performed a brilliant class assembly this morning, reflecting on everything they’ve learnt in the last 6 weeks! Their theme for this term is ‘Is Our World Always as it Seems?’, exploring how propaganda has been used throughout history and how it impacted people’s beliefs. Linking their learning, they’ve also learnt about the artist Marc Chagall, layering WW2 music and in Science, how electricity was used to make search lights. They really were TRIPLE THREATS today – singing, acting and dancing! They should be extremely proud of their incredible performance. Well done! 🙂
Here are the songs you’re going to need to learn for our assembly this term….
Louis Armstrong – What a Wonderful World
Henry VIII Wives Song
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed the KS2 Sports Day this year. They showed resilience, determination and grit; never giving up and supporting their team! Well done to the house of Matthew for winning this year’s Sports Day.
To see the photos full size, please click on them.