Year 5

Welcome back! It’s already Summer term and year 5 are ready to rise to new challenges and continue to proudly say: “I AM WHO I AM”.

I AM WHO I AM: How can we change, challenge and grow this term?


This term we are exploring decimals, shape, position and direction and measurement, whilst using our heuristics to solve problems related to these topics. We will also be revising and consolidating our number and place value understanding, to support these topics.


This term, our writing will be inspired by ‘The Jungle Book’ and ’The Explorer’, as we continue to become sophisticated writers using a range of grammar and punctuation, within a variety of genres.

Come and See

In RE, we’ll delve into the theme of ‘Transformation,’ examining the influence of faith and spirit, particularly during Pentecost. Following that, we’ll explore ‘Freedom and Responsibility,’ delving into concepts of free will and our capacity to contribute positively to society. Lastly, we’ll investigate ‘Stewardship’ and our role in caring for the world. Additionally, we’ll study Islam as our focus on ‘Other Faith.

Wider Topic


Our wider topic work will focus on the question; ‘How does our world work?’. In Geography, students will study volcanoes and earthquakes, locating them on maps, exploring their mechanics, and understanding their impact on communities. Science will focus on the solar system, forces, and their effects. Art will emphasize abstract patterns and colours, inspired by Edvard Munch, while DT involves creating a space rover cushion. Computing will enhance IT skills through a Mars Rover project, and French will continue with self-description and future talk. PE will develop athletic skills for sports day and rounders, with Friday dance sessions for the musical. Music will delve into composer history, with students composing pieces inspired by specific works. RHE will address positive body image and ‘funny feelings.’

Help from home!

  1. Please check Homework diaries regularly for weekly information about your child’s work and progress. Children’s diaries will be checked and signed on Monday mornings to ensure reading is taking place at home. Your child must be completing this every day with the pages they have read, the title of the book and an adults initials. Please discuss characters, themes, plots and ask for your child’s opinions on the books they are reading; this will help with their success in English. Recording this information in their homework diary is extremely useful evidence of their reading.
  2. Children will be given homework each week on a Tuesday. As Year 5s, they are encouraged to take responsibility for remembering to complete their homework, but they may need the odd reminder from someone at home to get it done! Homework is not something that should worry them and please remind them that if they are ever struggling to complete a homework task, then they should come and see me.
  3. It is very important that all children can recall their number facts quickly and correctly, so when possible please encourage your child to practise their times tables and division facts and mental addition/subtraction through TTRS, Mathletics and Numbots.
  4. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every day. They need a PE kit for both indoor and outdoor PE. Their outdoor PE kit should include a hoodie and something to keep their legs warm (gym leggings or jogging bottoms). PE kits must be school colours.
  5. Children will be given a list of spellings each week on a Tuesday. These will be tested the following Wednesday. Please keep a check of these regularly.
  6. Your support this year has been crucial and I’d like to thank you in advance for your support over the coming term.

Miss Ashton