Year 2

Welcome To Year Two!

A very warm welcome back to all Year 2 pupils and parents! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year. We are really looking forward to helping each Year 2 class member to learn and thrive this term reaching their potential. They are eager to learn and we have some wonderful topics this half term to stimulate their minds and imagination. Mrs Gunn is super excited to be joining the Year 2 team and getting to know all of the children! Whilst Mrs Hudson continues to teach Year 2 on Thursdays and Fridays.

Our theme for this year is “Stewards of the Earth; Guardians of God’s Gifts”. As keen Eco-Warriors, this theme will inspire our pupils to go out in the world and treasure our planet and the people around us. Throughout this year, we hope to work with you to stimulate your children’s imagination and ambitions whilst helping them to rise to even greater heights.

As always, our Come and See lessons will link to all that we do. We will explore the topics of  kindness and forgiveness.  Throughout each topic, we will learn stories from the Bible and discuss how we can apply Christian values to our own lives.  We will also take part in thought-provoking and beautiful liturgies.

  • Books: We will learn about the books that are special to us and find out more about the Bible and it’s stories.
  • Thanksgiving: We will explore the different ways in which we say thank you. We will also learn about how our parish thanks God for Jesus and why the Eucharist is important to us.
  • Opportunities:We will learn that Lent is a time for us to take the opportunity to do good as we prepare ourselves for Easter. 


Stewards of the Earth

Our aim for this term is to encourage the children to learn through exploration and playing with words, numbers and skills. We will continue to focus on ways in which we can be Guardians of Gods Gift and Stewards of the Earth through looking at ways we can care for our school, each other and the wider community.

In History, we will be learning about Mary Seacole and her greatest achievements; children will discover why she is an important historical figure who is still remembered today.

Art lessons will link to this History topic as we will learn about the artist Augusta Savage, taking inspiration from her work to make our own sculptures of important people in out lives.

In our English lessons, we will use a variety of texts to inspire us in our own writing, such as Meerkat Mail and The Troll. You may have noticed there is an animal theme in our English texts; this links well to our topic in Science: ‘Animals, including humans’. We will learn about the basic needs of animals and humans.

We will also learn about how to look after our bodies by keeping clean, exercising and eating the right foods. In Maths, we will continue to problem-solve, reason and develop our Mathematical fluency. Our Maths topics for this term will be Multiplication and Division, Money, Length and Height, Mass, Capacity and Temperature and Shape.

In our Geography lessons, we will learn about the weather, seasons and the impacts of climate change.

In DT, Year 2 will be designing and making hand puppets based on book characters, which will link to our first Come and See topic of ‘Books’.

When we are in the Computing Lab, we will be developing our coding knowledge. The children will also practise their typing skills.

In PE lessons, we will focus on developing our athletic skills and we will be doing Gymnastics.


Mary Seacole

Seasons and Climate

Meerkat Mail

Ways to help at Home!

PE: PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons this term, please make sure your child has their full PE kit (outdoor and indoor kit) in school Tuesday-Friday. It will be cold outside so your child can bring in black jogging bottoms as well as their normal black shorts.  They can also bring in sports hoodies to wear over their white PE tops.

Earrings: due to health and safety reasons, earrings must be removed before all PE sessions. Please remove them before school if your child is not able to do this independently.

Reading:   “Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage” ― Roald Dahl.  Please encourage your child to read every evening. Sign  your child’s reading record in their diary so we can keep up-to-date with their successes at home.  If your child cannot log on to Rising Stars Reading Books at home, please let us know so that they can practise logging in at school.

Homework: Year 2 will be given homework on a Thursday. Please check your child’s Homework sheet each week for more information. Some of Year 2 have already taken home extra homework to complete for extra house points. If you would like extra homework for your child to complete, please let us know and we will send some home with them.

Spellings: Year 2 have their Spelling Quiz on Thursday mornings.  Please remind your child to learn their spellings and to learn how to use the words accurately in sentences. Vocabulary knowledge is key to ensuring your child has strong reading comprehension and writing skills.

Math’s: Please encourage your child to access NumBots and Timetable Rock Stars at home for 5 minutes a day. This will help them to practice their number facts and support their learning in class.


Key Dates TBC

We are so looking forward to getting to know all the children in Year 2 and helping them to investigate, discover and learn through making ‘marvellous mistakes’. Strong home-school links are key to ensuring that your children gain the best support from both school and home so, if you do have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch so we can discuss them further. Thank you in advance for your support over the coming term, it is very much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Mrs Gunn and Mrs Hudson