Computing at BRW
Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.
Children must be equipped to participate in a rapidly-changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. Technologies have a significant impact on children’s education. Computers and computing equipment provide children with appropriate learning experiences and allow adults to enhance their own professional development.
At Blessed Robert we follow the National Curriculum programme of study which aims to equip children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
The main areas/concepts covered are:
- Computer Science which covers: Hardware, Network and data Representation, Computational Thinking, Programming
- Info Technology – Using software, using email and internet, using data, the wider use of technology
- Digital Literacy – This includes understanding the benefits and drawbacks of social media for both businesses and individuals.
Within Computer Science and Information Technology, there are further areas/strands that are covered. They are taken from the National Curriculum programme of study and based on KPOW scheme. These are built upon as they progress through the school.
Eg When learning about Online Safety in KS, children learn how to use the internet safely and kindly and what to do if something upsets them online. In KS2 this progresses to ensuring children keep all their details safe and secure and know where to go to get help if they need to report something they have seen online.
Computing is taught alongside RSHE, which satisfies all of the objectives of the DfEs Education for a Connected World Framework which aims to help equip children for life in a digital world.
Computing Curriculum Overview
Computing KSPs other useful documents
The school is well resourced with appropriate software in all classrooms. A wide range of resources are located on the server and in the Computing Lab.
Computers, interactive whiteboards, projectors and a range of control technology are an integral part of classroom resources and are in addition to a computer lab with a network of computers for groups of children. All children in the school have access to the internet.
- Colour laser printers
- iPads
- Roamer, Bee-bots and robot
- IWBs in all classrooms and a projector in the Computing Lab
- Multi-media centre in the hall
- Word processing packages
- A range of iPad Apps
- Painting/drawing software
- Mind Mapping software
- Clip Art
- Photo editing software
- Music composition packages
- Multimedia programme
- Spreadsheets/database programmes
- Control programs, Scratch
- Activ-Inspire
- Internet subscription resources