Year 3
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to life in Year 3 and Key Stage Two! Our school theme is inspired by a quote from Genesis 2:15 which teaches us that God created the world. Then God gave us Christ, who redeemed all of creation! It is our responsibility to take care of creation – this beautiful gift God has given us.
All things are connected, so we will care for and cultivate God’s gifts to meet the needs of all, now and in the future: the environment, our own talents and other resources. Our Class topic is ‘Stones and Bones’ so our Big Question is ‘How can we make a better impact on our world?’
Our learning journey together will be an exciting, risk-taking, challenging but most of all, a fun one. We will learn from our mistakes together!
At the heart of our journey in our faith this term will be the ‘Come and See’ topics and their Big Questions ….Homes ‘What makes a house a home?’ Promises ‘Why make promises?’ and Visitors ‘Are visitors always welcome?’ Our ’Other Faith’ this term will be Judaism.
We will use a range of high quality texts, information books, film and music to inspire and motivate us!
In Year 3, we will discover all about The Stone Age and through History and Geography, deepen our understanding of timelines and changes in Britain, from hunter-gatherers to early farmers.
This term we will focus on ‘Place Value’ and ’Addition and Subtraction’ really mastering our knowledge of numbers. We will reinforce and extend our Maths through data collection, measuring and investigations! We are going to revise number bonds and multiplication facts in order to improve fluency!
Year 3 must know their 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x by the end of the year. The children will be given their passwords for the websites Times Tables Rock Stars and Mathletics to support them in this area.
In Science we will be studying ‘Rocks and Fossils’ and ‘Nutrition and Skeletons’ so plenty of investigative work to be undertaken. Music will be improving our performance skills and discovering how the Stone Age people made music! In Computing we will learn how to stay safe online and use programming skills to create work related to our topic. In P.E. we will learn all about Fitness and Fundamentals.
Mrs Hautenne will join us this term on Fridays to teach R.E and also Art, in which we will explore the work of the graffiti artist, Banksy and learn about cave art. Next half-term, the children will learn about the diet of the Stone Age people and create their own healthy cave cooking recipe through Design and Technology.
How you can help
There will be reading, spellings and Maths homework every week. There could be follow-up research in other areas if appropriate. Please check the weekly homework sheet and encourage your child to complete the tasks set on time. Use the green Homework diary to sign and communicate with school any queries. Try to practice multiplication facts and number bonds daily.
Every child should read daily and have the opportunity to discuss what they’ve read in order to check their understanding. Reading diaries need to be signed and brought into school every day.
Please make sure your child has their swimming kit on the dates above and P.E. kit (black shorts, plain white T-shirt and trainers or plimsolls) in school on Mondays. PE kit should stay in school all week and can be taken home for washing on Friday. During colder weather, children can wear a dark-coloured tracksuit over their kit.
Your child also needs a painting apron/old shirt in school to protect their uniform during art lessons. This should remain on their peg in their bag all week.
Please check the Year 3 Web page for updates and recommended websites. Blog address: brwacademy.com We’re also on Facebook and X (follow the links from the Home webpage)
If you have any spare time and feel you could offer some specialist skills to enhance our learning this term, maybe you have some woodwork skills, are an expert baker or would be able to chat to the children about your job. I’d love to hear from you! If you have any queries please feel free to ask. Thank you for your support, such exciting times ahead!
Mrs Byrne
Tuesday 17th September Stone Age Day at Brackenhurst
Wed 18th September: Welcome Mass
Tues 8th October : Parents’ Consultations 4pm-7pm
Weds 9th October : Parents’ Consultations 1.30pm -3.30pm
Thurs 10th October World Mental Health Day
Wed 16th October : Whole School Harvest Mass
Half term 21st October – 1st November
INSET Day 14th October INSET DAY
Tue 5th Y3 Swimming—Every Tue until and including 17th Dec
11th November, 11.00 am: Remembrance Liturgy
Wed 11th December Y3 Christmas Celebration 2:30pm
Tues 17th December Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day followed by Carols around the Christmas Tree 2pm
Wed 18th December 2.30pm: Advent Mass
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 23rd Dec-3rd Jan 2025
Mon 6th January 2025 Spring Term and Epiphany Mass 2pm