Year 3


Exodus 3:14


Welcome Back Year 3!  I hope you’ve all had a wonderful and joyful Easter and are excited as I am to begin our Summer Term. 

At the heart of our journey in faith this term will be Energy ‘What’s the use of energy?’ Choices ‘What helps me to choose well?’ and Special Places ‘What makes a place special?’  For our Other Faith work, we will be studying Islam.

Our first topic is a fantastic way to begin our creative journey together as we discover all about Egypt; locate it on a map and examine a time when Ancient Egypt was so powerful in the world; compare the Ancient Egyptian civilisation with the society, climate and terrain of Britain at the time; study their rituals and  beliefs and discover just how creative they were!

Our Topic this term, takes inspiration from this with ‘Dream It, Believe It, Build It! How Can We Build a Better Future?’ This gives the children further opportunity to explore this year’s theme ‘I am who I am’ Exodus (3:14)

Our cross-curricular topic is Egypt so we will be incorporating many themes into this imagination-grabbing work.  We will be examining and analysing many different types of texts in English, and using good models of writing to inspire us to create our own, including instructions and explanations, poetry, myths and legends, letter writing and of course story writing.

Our fabulous whole class reads this term are ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo and ‘Nim’s Island’ by Wendy Orr.

In Maths, we will be working on reinforcing place value, measurement, time, data, problem solving, fractions, calculations and shape, including making 3D models, such as pyramids, from 2D nets. We will continue to strengthen our fluency skills in addition and subtraction, as well as Multiplication facts.

Through our History work we will study the Pharaohs, pyramids and the Ancient Egyptian’s belief in the afterlife and their rituals, in particular, mummification. Our scientific investigations will  revolve around the topics of ‘Teeth and Digestion’ followed by ‘Living Things and their Habitats’.  Art and Design and Technology will give us the opportunity to explore Printing inspired by Pablo Picasso. Through Geography we will learn about modern Egypt and compare its climate and terrain with ours as we learn all about Climate Zones around the world.

In P.E: will be learning the skills of striking and fielding through Rounders and honing our Athletics skills in preparation for Sports Day! This term we will have four one-hour swimming sessions beginning Tuesday 14th May. Children will need to have appropriate swimwear (no earrings, no bikinis, no baggy trunks or pockets).

French: sessions will enable the children to extend their French vocabulary through the topics ‘All around the town’ and ‘On the Move’.

Music: Children will have the opportunity to continue their work with Mr Jones with an emphasis 0n notation and composition. After that, we will begin our work looking at the history of music through several very different musicians!

RHE: Some of the lessons to be covered this term are ‘Friends, Families and Others’, ‘A Community of Love’, I am Thankful,  Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, First-Aid Heroes and How Do I love Others (linked to R.E. topic of Energy) More details on the Year 3 Blog page next week.

In Computing we will use programming skills to create work related to our topic. There will be many opportunities for the children to use the class computers and iPads to enhance and enrich our work in class as well as Lego coding in the ICT Lab.

How you can help

Reading, spellings and Maths homework will continue to be given every Thursday to support learning in class. Parents should sign the diary to say they are aware what homework has been set. Please encourage your child to read daily and explain what they understand from the text, including any new words they encounter. By gaining fluency and expanding their vocabulary you are giving your child an important foundation for all areas of the curriculum. Again, signing diaries daily.

Please ensure that your child learns and practices their multiplication facts and number bonds daily. These are crucial in giving your child confidence in all areas of Maths.

There could also be follow-up research homework in other areas if appropriate. Please check the weekly homework sheet that goes out on a Thursday and encourage your child to complete the tasks set. Use the green Homework diary to sign and communicate with school any queries.

Please make sure your child has their swimming kit on the dates overleaf and P.E. kit (black shorts, plain white T-shirt and trainers or plimsolls) in school on Mondays and PE kit should stay in school all week.  During colder weather, children can wear a dark-coloured tracksuit over their kit.

If you have any spare time and feel you could offer some specialist skills to enhance our learning this term, maybe you have some woodwork skills, are an expert baker or would be able to chat to the children about your job. I’d love to hear from you!

Yet another brilliant term to look forward to! If you have any queries please feel free to ask either at the end of the day, by phone or email

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Byrne



9th May: Ascension Mass at Corpus Christi

TBC: Y3 and 4 Class Mass

14th May: Swimming 1

21st May: Swimming 2

24th May: INSET Day

27th May – 2nd June: Half-Term

4th June: Swimming 3

11th June: Swimming 4

TBC: First Holy Communion Liturgy in school

6th June: Class Photos

26th June: Open Afternoon

29th June: St. Peter and Paul Mass in church (TBC)

5th July: INSET Day

10th July Homes and Habitats Educational Visit to Wollaton Hall

11th July: Family Picnic

4th July: INSET Day

25th July: End of Year Mass

Three Times Tables

Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt: Society and culture

BBC Teach Geography Explain This...Climate

Climate Change

Habitats for Kids Learn all about deserts, forests, grasslands, mountains, and more

All about Habitats


Types of Teeth


4x Tables

4x Tables 'I'm still standing'

8x Times Table

Cosy Reading

Log Fire

Beach scene