It’s Spring! Welcome back to what looks to be an incredible term of hard work, success and wonderful memories. We’re excited to be continuing our yearly theme of ‘Stewards of the Earth; Guardians of God’s Gifts’! There promises to be endless dreaming, asking, aspiring, achieving and believing.
Within our annual theme, we will focus our learning this term on ’Stewards of the Earth; Guardians of God’s Gifts’: How has America thrived?’ This will involve an exploration of Ancient Mayan life, with a particular focus on Central America and its relationship with North America in terms of climate and migration.
Religious Education
RE will follow the Come and See topics of:
Sources: in which we will explore the resources we use to deepen our spirituality, with a clear focus on the Christian bible.
Unity: in which pupils will deepen their understanding of their church community, and how the Eucharist unites Christians.
Death and New Life: where pupils will learn more about and celebrate Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection.
n English, Year 6 will continue to familiarise themselves with a range of texts, punctuation and grammar. We will explore these alongside our class read: ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ and ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan.
Maths: Year 6 will deepen their understanding of mental and written methods to ensure they have a range of ways to solve problems. We will focus on: Fractions, Decimals, Ratio, Algebra, Percentages, Area and Perimeter.
We will then focus on revising all aspects of the curriculum as well as perfecting our arithmetic and written skills, and applying these to a range of problems.
During science lessons, children will look at the Human Body: how we grow, our heart and how we can keep our bodies healthy with diet. We will explore the Ancient Mayan ways of keeping healthy too!
Wider Curriculum
History will see Year 6 focus on the success and downfall of the Mayan civilization!
In Geography, we will take a look at migration from Central America to North America as well as how climate impacts on flooding.
In Art we will continue this theme, with pupils exploring printing linked to Mayan pattern and colour. The famous print and pop artist, Andy Warhol, will be our inspiration throughout.
In PE we have the opportunity to develop our confidence and fluency in gymnastics and Dance with Mrs Bathgate, every Friday.
Year 6 will also be studying French, building up a basic vocabulary and essential conversation skills through singing and other interactive media. Pupils will have an opportunity to practice their pronunciation through speaking and listening activities.
In Computing, the children will design and create Ancient Mayan temples using Minecraft as well as using our programming skills to create Mayan pattern designs in Python.
We will also be spending some dedicated time on RSHE again—that’s ‘Relationship, Sex and Health Education’. We will explore body-image, feelings, and internet safety as well as revisiting and deepening our understanding of different forms of abuse.