Year 4

Autumn Term in year 4

Welcome! Year will have many opportunities for learning in the classroom and beyond in the next few months running up to Christmas – a chance to create memories and learn skills that will stay with them as they move through school. This year’s annual theme at BRW is ‘Stewards of the Earth; Guardians of God’s Gift’ (Genesis 2:15). The children are encouraged to think about their world and their environment, as well as the gifts God has given them.

In RE, the children’s first topic will be ‘People’, which encourages us to explore the importance of family and the significance of family in the Church and in scripture. After this, we will have two more topics in ‘Called’ and ‘Gifts’.

In English we will be delving into Roald Dahl’s ‘The Witches’ and then ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ later in the term.

Maths will focus on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division.

Our first topic will focus on the Stone Age, with a Geography focus on changes in the UK over time from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be studying early farming in the Stone Age and learning about the lives of humans living in this time.

In Science, we will be learning all about Rocks and Fossils. In Art, we will be exploring Cave Art and Banksy.

In PE, year 4 will have lessons in swimming, fitness and dance. In French lessons, children will be exploring units about food, family and friends. Music will see us develop performance skills using our toots and develop an understanding of Latin and techno music.

Thank you for all your support so far; I am looking forward to a joyful term!

How you can help:

You can check homework reminders, which are shared in children’s diaries on a weekly basis. Homework will aim to consolidate learning in class and also provide opportunities for project work with a view to display and celebrate creations throughout the year!

The children have logins for Times Tables Rock Stars and NumBots and can use Mathletics alongside this to practise their times tables. Encouraging regular use of these will help your

children master recall of their times tables facts up to 12×12. Logins are glued into homework diaries.

Support your children in ensuring they are engaging in their expected daily home reading during the week, and ask them questions about what they are reading. Reading should be signed by an adult every evening or morning throughout the week (depending on when your child reads). Please write a note in your child’s diary if there is a reason this has not happened. Sign diaries every week.

Correct PE kits are needed in school every day. Children can take their kits home on a weekend for washing, to be brought back in on Mondays.

Stay in the know by following our Twitter page @BRWSchool. We also have a facebook page!

Check the class page on the school website for updates and blog posts