It had been a long and tough half term for Year 2, preparing and completing their SATs papers. The children have worked extremely hard and tried their very best with their papers – they have all improved and shown how much they have learned this term.
We had our KS1 disco this week where the children showed off their amazing dance moves and had a lot of well earned fun!
I am sure the children are looking forward to having a week off and enjoying the sun safely. When they return, we will have a busy Summer 2 with Swimming on Tuesday afternoons (see homework for more info) and lots of exciting topic work!
Year 2 have had a creative and active start to the summer term! The first two weeks have been full of activities to get the children’s artistic juices flowing.
In Art, children practiced their clay techniques they learned with Mrs Head, before taking inspiration from a still life set-up and creating sculptures linked to climate change and global warming. The children worked extremely hard and are all so proud of what they have achieved. The children really showed their understanding of why it is important to take action against climate change to protect our earth.
In Science, children learned to find and record their pulse before carrying out an investigation involving squats, running on the spot and burpees! Children learned about how exercise keeps us healthy and the best exercise to get their hearts pumping.
Last week, Year 2 choreographed a liturgical dance for their Come and See lesson. Children listened to Happy Day by Tim Hughes and discussed the meaning behind the lyrics about the return of Jesus Christ after he had been crucified. Children talked about how this was a time of celebration and linked their dance moves to the words of the final verse of the song.
As you may know, Year 2 are also working hard practicing for their SATs, taking place w/c 22nd May. The children are trying their very best and working extremely hard on their practice papers, as well as enjoying creative, inspiring and active lessons.
This year, the British Science Week theme was connections! To celebrate this, and to give our creative, imaginative and incredible children a challenge, we ran a Marble Run competition. True to form, they didn’t disappoint!
Everyone has really enjoyed all the photos and videos that have been emailed in. We have been wowed with all the amazing creations – not to mention your filming skills!
Thank you for all the stupendous entries. Our winner was Alexander, who managed the longest entry at well over 4 metres (so many twists and turns it could be double that!) Congratulations to all, you should feel very proud!
Welcome back!
Over the Easter holidays, we celebrated the most important celebration within our faith, the resurrection of Jesus! We celebrate the season of Easter by using a word we don’t use during Lent – Alleluia! The word simply means ‘praise the lord’ and it’s a reminder that at this time of year we should be rejoicing and celebrating that Jesus is risen. This week, think about what makes you want to celebrate and think about how you can show the world the joy of the resurrection.
A warm welcome back to our pupils and families at the start of the Summer Term!
We began our Summer Term with our Spring Achiever of the Term celebration assembly. We were so busy with a memorable Holy Week that we ran out of time to celebrate at the end olast term.
Congratulations to our more-than-deserving Achievers. Your adults can see some common qualities among you: hard-work, smiles, resilience and a thirst for knowledge. Keep up the good work!
In addition, we had several pupils who earned their 100% attendance pencil and sweets for being in school for 100% of the Spring Term! What a feat!
Merry Christmas to all of the BRW Community…
Have a very happy and holy Christmas!
Congratulations to Year Two who blew their audiences away with an outstanding performance of ‘Away in a manger’.
Their comic timing, enthusiasm and beautiful singing brought real joy to their audience – well done Year Two! You are all superstars!
What do you call a TTRS Rock Hero crossed with a NumBot Champion??? A RockBot of course!
Take a look at our weekly update, where you can find out who is top of your class leader-board in TTRS and Numbots, as well as which classes have headlined this week!
Take a look at week ending 20.5.22! Our leaders this week have played the most minutes, just to keep you all on your toes!

Times Table Rock Stars | NumBots | |
Year 1 | Maiah | Maiah |
Year 2 | Connie | Annie |
Year 3 | Dominic | Jewel |
Year 4 | Emily R | Poppy |
Year 5 | Shaun | Daron |
Year 6 | Elizabeth | Lacey-Miai |
Times Table Rock Stars | NumBots | |
Fastest Speed | Year 3 | |
Participation | Year 6 | Year 3 |
Accuracy | Year 1 | Year 3 |
Well done to all our participants! And just think… YOU could be up there next week, so get onto TTRS and NumBots and get learning your number facts!
We are very lucky to have Mathletics online to help us with our maths! This is the perfect place to practice what you’ve been learning in class, refine your mathematical skills and prepare for the next step in maths!
Take a look below at our Mathletics Magicians this week (week ending 13.5.22…their performance is simply MAGICAL!).
The following children have played and scored the most points on Mathletics!
Year 1 Emily G
Year 2 Hayden
Year 3 Jan
Year 4 Johanna
Year 5 Hayley
Year 6 Benjamin
And the year group who played the most, and so earned the most certificates?
Year 4!
Congratulations everybody! Keep playing magically!
In Science, we have been learning about the life cycles of different animals. Living things have different life cycles dependent on how they are classified. For example, birds have different life cycles to amphibians.
We explored the life cycle of a chicken then we compared this with the life cycle of a frog.

What are the similarities and differences between the two life cycles?
We were also very lucky because we had chance to explore what chicks are like and hold one!