Year 1 presented their class assembly to the whole school and their parents last week. They told everyone all about their learning in Year 1 so far.
They confidently retold the story of the Three Little Pigs, explained how we have been watching the changing seasons, described how Guy Fawkes plotted to kill King James I and preformed poetry. We even had time to talk about how Maya Angelou inspired us with messages of hope and determination.
The Year 1 children are growing in confidence, learning so many new things and blowing us away with how they rise to every challenge. They make us so proud!
This was a wonderful joint celebration with children from KS1 and EYFS leading their friends through prayer, song, dance, time to think and talk, meeting together with Jesus, getting to know his friendship even more.
Year 1 had a wonderful visit to Nottingham Castle last week. We went to see an exhibition in the art gallery called Kaleidoscopic Realms. Year 1 are learning about colour in our art lessons and the exhibition was all about the use of colour in contemporary pieces of art.
The children enjoyed looking at the beautiful creations and were able to talk about what they liked about each piece. One piece of art was all about looking after planet Earth. This piece inspired the children to think about God’s gift of the world and how we should look after it. They created their own designs with this in mind.
Whilst at the castle, we visited the adventure playground to burn off some energy, visited Robin Hood’s Adventure and had a look around the beautiful gardens.
What a fabulous day!
Three children from Year 1 led EYFS and KS1 in a Celebration of the Word this afternoon. They helped everybody think about our wonderful world, to feel God’s presence and to both say sorry for mistakes we have made and give thanks for our world.
It was a beautiful, holy way to start our Friday. We joined parishioners and parents to celebrate Mass together. Children from Year 1 and Year 2 confidently and clearly led our bidding prayers and all the children joined in with the singing of ‘It’s Me that Builds Community’ song – with actions, of course!
It was wonderful this morning to celebrate Mass in our church with Father David, parents, carers and parishioners. The children who took part with readings, prayers and poetry were confident, thoughtful and precise and, as for the singing, it was glorious, powerful and brought joy to our hearts.
This week is the 30th Anniversary of British Science Week, so the theme this year is Time!
We got off to a super start this morning with our Science Ambassadors leading a whole school assembly. We began with learnig a little about our Science saint – At. Albert the Great, and read a prayer that last year’s ambassadors wrote. They shared the theme and lots of links to our own lifes and science that we can make with science. They launched the Poster competition and ran the lunch-time ‘Gadget Shop’ which will run Mon-Thursday this week, until all stock is sold. Prices range from 50p to £2. Itemised lists with prices are posted around the school.
Phew, and it’s only Day 1.
To enter the competition cosider the following…
Creativity in approach – Innovative angle on the content or creative interpretation of the theme – don’t be afraid to think outside the box
Content – Clear, accurate and informative about a STEM topic
Effective communication – presented and communicated in an engaging way
Entrants can be teams or individuals
Entries must be one page of A4 or A3 paper only Work must be original and created by the student(s) – please do not use any templates
Include your name, age and Year group
Please hand in to Mrs Byrne before Thursday 21st March
Entries will be uploaded to the British Science Week Website to enter the national competition. See

We’ve had a wonderful but very busy day at BRW. We welcomed Bemma Akyeampong, author of the Ayuda stories – set in Guinea-Bissau, all about a sea turtle’s adventures and struggles against pollution. She retold her stories to all the children and they had chance to think about what they could do to look after our wonderful world.
We also had the introduction of our wonderful new furniture to spruce up our reading corners in every classroom. This will really help to promote the joy of reading, learning new vocabulary and being inspired to be authors ourselves.
As the photographs show, the reading cafe was immensely popular and the cakes didn’t last long! Thank you everyone for attending and for the cake donations.
Thank you to the Library Leaders for getting our exciting week off to a great start. They told us about Saint Jerome who was asked to translate the Bible so that more people could know God’s word. He did such a good job that his translation was used for more than 1,000 years.
Don’t forget that if you want to be in with a chance of winning a book, return your Scavenger Hunt sheets by Thursday. Good Luck!