Category: Foundation

TTRS and Numbots!

Mathletics Results

Over the last few weeks we have been learning how to take care of our wonderful world. Today we went up to Glapton Woods and used the litter pickers to pick up lots of rubbish – we had 6 big bags! We learned its important to pick it up ‘so animals don’t eat it and get poorly,’ and ‘so we don’t hurt ourselves if we fall over on it.’

This week the FS children enjoyed exploring a new and exciting part of the woods! They had snack on a hill, looked for mini-beasts in a different habitat, explored their new surroundings noting lots of similarities and differences and they even snuck in a game of hide and seek! The weather was not going to stop them – they had a fabulous afternoon!

The FS children had an exciting adventure rambling to Forest School – walking through grass “as tall as the trees!” They enjoyed exploring the woodland and meadow areas looking for ladybirds. They spoke about what they noticed and found out lots of interesting facts about them. They managed to find a couple but they thought others “might be hiding from the birds.”

Three children from Year 1 led EYFS and KS1 in a Celebration of the Word this afternoon. They helped everybody think about our wonderful world, to feel God’s presence and to both say sorry for mistakes we have made and give thanks for our world.

We have a wonderful celebratory day in Foundation Stage. Thank you to all the parents that brought in food – we had a feast and it was great to see children trying food they would not normally have at home. Food came from Poland, India, Philippines, Italy, England, Australia and the Caribbean.

The children also learned a Call and Response song from Ghana, Morris Dancing from England and listened to music from all other the world.

The children took responsibility for our world today, by picking up rubbish left in Glapton Woods. They couldn’t believe that anyone would throw rubbish on the floor where it might hurt our woodland animals and birds. They used litter pickers (to keep themselves safe) and worked in teams to make our world a better place.

This week, we continued our search for ladybirds, but also successfully hunted for snails, woodlice, slugs, spiders and worms.  As you enjoy our photographs of Forest School, you will notice how focused the children are, how they help each other and how much fun they have playing and exploring together.

It was a beautiful, holy way to start our Friday. We joined parishioners and parents to celebrate Mass together. Children from Year 1 and Year 2 confidently and clearly led our bidding prayers and all the children joined in with the singing of ‘It’s Me that Builds Community’ song – with actions, of course!

Going to Forest School this week was also like entering a jungle! Big thanks to the parent helpers who bashed down brambles and cut down nettles to create a safe pathway for the children.

It was worth the effort to see all the children exploring independently – looking for minibeasts, climbing trees and playing with friends. They also learned some facts about ladybirds. Did you know they:

  • have 6 legs, just like all insects
  • have a shell that opens out to be wings
  • can be different colours (not just red!)
  • eat aphids
  • lay eggs