Professor Lucy Cragg visited us to share some science with us and invite children from Year 4 to 6 to join us on a Tuesday after school, for a FREE club.
It’s not to late to sign up! Check your emails for the link to sign up.
Year 1 presented their class assembly to the whole school and their parents last week. They told everyone all about their learning in Year 1 so far.
They confidently retold the story of the Three Little Pigs, explained how we have been watching the changing seasons, described how Guy Fawkes plotted to kill King James I and preformed poetry. We even had time to talk about how Maya Angelou inspired us with messages of hope and determination.
The Year 1 children are growing in confidence, learning so many new things and blowing us away with how they rise to every challenge. They make us so proud!
This week, all the children in Foundation Stage have visited our church. They were learning how the parish gathers together to celebrate Mass and what the different places and artefacts are called. They were awestruck by the size of the church and by the beautiful window. They were also fascinated by the font, thinking about when they were baptised there as babies.
On a wonderful, cold, bright and frosty morning, the children were really busy working together to build shelters. They were really creative making ‘camp fires’ and ‘toasting marshmallows’; building beds, kitchens and sofas. Well done to everybody for working so well together.
The Rainbow Fish children used some wonderful counting and problem solving skills during our Counting Collections sessions. They counted amounts of objects over 10, using different strategies to help them – they even changed their strategies if it wasn’t working!
The year 4s have made a great start to the term, and a strength on show has been their willingness to give new things a go. This has been most notable in their new PE topic, tag rugby. This sport is new to most of the class and they have shown some brilliant individual skill and teamwork in learning new skills such as passing backwards and tagging their friends to win the ball. I continue to be impressed by their resilience and enthusiasm! – Pictures to follow soon.
What a lovely day to be at Forest School – the sun was shining and the children were well-wrapped up against the morning frost.
They proved to be great map-readers, finding their way to the base, noticing houses, paths, a school, grass and, of course, lots of trees on the way.
They had time to play and explore before enjoying a warming cup of hot chocolate and a biscuit. They finished their morning with a game of hide and seek.
The Foundation children all looked amazing in their ‘castles,’ themed outfits. We had, knight’s, princesses, princes galore! They enjoyed completing lots of different activities throughout the day such as building castle, designing crowns, comparing dances throughout the ages, but were absolutely amazed when Princess Sparkles visited and set them a challenge! They had such a magical day in FS!
Year 3 were our Nativity Super Stars! We joined the stars of the Celestial Choir as they guided our Nativity characters to Bethlehem singing some not-so-traditional, up-beat songs with a ‘showbiz’ feel. They were all ‘Fab-u-lous’!
It was a wonderful celebration of what Christmas really means and how we can all let our light shine to reflect Jesus. Our gift to our parents. Merry Christmas Everyone!