Year 2 have had an exciting start to their final half term of this year. This week, they have started their swimming lessons and all children enjoyed their first lesson at the leisure centre. Parents, please provide written permission for your child to wear goggles for swimming, if they require them; permission can be emailed too.
To kickstart our topic of India, children have located India in the continent of Asia and labelled the main cities of India on a map. Children used their geographical skills to identify mountains and jungles and are very excited to be visiting India within our future geography lessons.
In History, children time travelled to the seaside in Victorian times. They questioned, compared and found similarities between seaside holidays 100 years ago and now. We made some shocking discoveries when the majority of the class thought ‘ipod’ was a typo in our spot the mistake activity! Children then transformed themselves into Victorian children, to write descriptive postcards to family members about their trip to the beach.
In D.T, children became chefs as they chopped, peeled and sliced vegetables before tasting them in preparation for their new project to cook a healthy curry. Children wrote down their likes and dislikes, (mostly dislikes!), but all was well when the day was ended with some cake from Mrs Cross!