Start To Summer in Year 4

Year 4 have had a fantastic start to summer term. We’ve been learning all about the Romans in History and year 4 have been finding out about how the Romans invaded and ultimately defeated Boudica! Their pictures of Boudica were expertly drawn and labelled from a few meagre descriptions, but they were all under the impression that she was a fearful woman of great power!

We’ve also been investigating plants and growing conditions in year 4, and have our own experiments running in the classroom – some of our plants are thriving and some of them are looking pretty sorry for themselves with no water or light. In a couple of week’s time we should have a better idea of what the ideal (and *not* ideal) conditions for growth are!

In English we’re reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman, and have been creating some super descriptive writing using fronted adverbials to describe the myriad of characters in the story. We’ve found out that it’s actually quite a funny book as well as telling a story of an epic adventure. We love some of the characters like the pirates who pretended they weren’t pirates and then messed up their plans anyway!

In Come and See, we have been looking into the Pentecost and the children have been reflecting on the relationships that came out of this incredible (and slightly scary) event. The children have created some beautiful artwork, either using their own style or the style of one of the more traditional, classical painters, to show the incredible events of the Pentecost.

We’re working hard on our times tables and doing daily ‘tests’ to build our strength and confidence in this and the children are doing brilliantly – keep up the practise at home!