Fire! Fire! Fire!

Year 2 enjoyed an exciting start to the Summer Term today. We had a visit from Martin, Mark, Wayne and Tom who are firefighters at West Bridgford Fire Station.

Mark and Martin started our visit with a presentation in class. They told us all about their job, how they stay safe at work and what we should do if our house was on fire. Some children even demonstrated how to wear the uniform!

We then had the opportunity to look at the fire engine up close with Tom and Wayne. They showed us all of their car rescue equipment, hoses, oxygen tanks and we got to sit in the fire engine. There were lots of interesting questions for the firefighters and some huge smiles from the children.

Thank you so much to our visitors, you really brightened up our Monday morning!

Mark and Martin’s challenge:

Check that you have 2 fully working smoke detectors installed upstairs and down.

Make a family escape plan with your family to ensure that everyone knows how to get out of your house if there was a fire at night.