Artists, Athletes and Choreographers.

Year 2 have had a creative and active start to the summer term! The first two weeks have been full of activities to get the children’s artistic juices flowing.

In Art, children practiced their clay techniques they learned with Mrs Head, before taking inspiration from a still life set-up and creating sculptures linked to climate change and global warming. The children worked extremely hard and are all so proud of what they have achieved. The children really showed their understanding of why it is important to take action against climate change to protect our earth.

In Science, children learned to find and record their pulse before carrying out an investigation involving squats, running on the spot and burpees! Children learned about how exercise keeps us healthy and the best exercise to get their hearts pumping.

Last week, Year 2 choreographed a liturgical dance for their Come and See lesson. Children listened to Happy Day by Tim Hughes and discussed the meaning behind the lyrics about the return of Jesus Christ after he had been crucified. Children talked about how this was a time of celebration and linked their dance moves to the words of the final verse of the song.

As you may know, Year 2 are also working hard practicing for their SATs, taking place w/c 22nd May. The children are trying their very best and working extremely hard on their practice papers, as well as enjoying creative, inspiring and active lessons.